Contact Glenn Bloodworth:
A visual artist, Glenn primarily works in medium-format film and composite digital photography. He is inspired by Hiroshi Sugimoto’s sense of ‘time exposed’ and transience in life, and Walker Evan’s narrative documentary optic. Glenn’s subjects range from street scenes and documentary, to still life and landscapes, exploring the vernacular and encouraging viewers to insight, not only of what they are seeing but how they see – the difference between merely ‘looking‘ and really ‘seeing‘. He has a passion for the dynamic conveyed through black & white.
Glenn’s works are held in public and private collections in Canada and abroad, including the City of Ottawa’s Art Collection.
Established in 2011, Glenn is a founding member of the visual art collective, Studio Zone V; a juried member since 2017 of the Foyer Gallery Artists; and a member of the Fine Art Photography: Ottawa forum since 2018. Glenn’s art has been featured in various press media, been accorded various awards, and he has published, most recently in Canadian Camera, Spring 2021. In 2020 he was invested as a Fellow of the Canadian Association for Photographic Art (FCAPA).
Post retirement from a federal public service career and subsequently the private sector, Glenn launched into visual art studies, graduating with Honours in 2008 in Algonquin College’s Photographic Techniques Program, & 2015 with a Photographic Arts and Production Diploma from the School of Photographic Arts: Ottawa [SPAO]. He completed a one-year art residency at SPAO in 2016, and an Artist-in-Residence at the Kingsbrae International Residency for the Arts in 2021. Glenn regularly undertakes professional studies with internationally noted photographers and printers, including in October-November 2020 a six-week workshop “Seeing Through Photographs” with Sarah Meister, Curator, Dept. of Photography, MoMA, New York, and since February 2021 studying with the Danish master photographer Thorsten von Overgaard.
Engaged in the Canadian arts community, Glenn is a member of the Canadian Association for Photographic Art [CAPA], the Canadian Arts Representation/Le Front Des Artistes Canadiens [CARFAC], and Arts Network Ottawa. Past Chair of the RA Photo Club and past Leader of its Fine Arts Group and its Still Life Group. He is a past Chair, Board of Directors, SPAO. A Certified CAPA Judge since 2012 Glenn regularly adjudicates photographic art salons in Canada and internationally. He is CAPA’s Ontario Zone Director, a member of its national Board of Directors, its national Judges’ Liaison Officer, a trainer and certifier in its judging accreditation program. He a Patron’s Circle Member of the Ottawa Art Gallery, a Member of the National Gallery of Canada, and a Supporting Member of the Art Gallery of Ontario.