This series of works explores one of the emotional rhythms in our current existence, the flux of our urban environment. This contemporary landscape is evolving rapidly, ever shifting through a host of disturbances – an almost continuous set of displacements, disruptions, neglects, abandonment, demolition or repurposing, to support a fast, expanding housing reach and demanding social, economic, and physical infrastructure adjustments. Various experts assert these are all different jolts of the same current – a dynamic tension between urban and rural, between decay and renewal, and between notions of ‘progress’ and ‘stagnation.’ Others argue we live in an overwhelming environment oriented inappropriately to short-term views. For some, the outcome is a swelling up in a tide of deep unease, a sense of loss to a recollected idyllic. Others justify the disruptions as “short term pain for long term gain.” Still others find this activity transformative, if at times contradictory, demonstrating the ever-changing nature of ‘place’. There’s also a certain beauty traversing this work and its disruptive impacts, possessing its own supportive grace, energy, and daresay exhibiting its ‘art’. My Studio Zone V colleagues and I have been examining this phenomenon and its inherent sublime beauty for some time through various solo and group exhibitions under the rubric of titles such as “Dislocation” and “DistURBANce”.

All pieces are available for purchase, in signed and numbered limited editions. Prices vary with image size, media type, series, and edition # in the series. Images can be acquired mounted and framed, or unframed, in a variety of standard print sizes as well as in custom sizes.

Contact Glenn Bloodworth for pricing and other information, or to discuss your interests.